Distressed Housing Tracts

An extract of a subset of columns from the FFIEC Census Flat File, including flags that indicate a tract is distressed.

ffiec.gov-census-tract-1.5.2. Modified 2020-06-24T21:57:54

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This dataset extracts the columns for distressed tracts from the FFIEC compilation of census data, for use in their FFIEC Census Windows Application. It includes only 25 columns, the first 17 columns of the file, which have geographic identifiers, median income, and three population totals. The reamaining 8 columns hold flags to indicate if a tract is distressed.

  • 1205 Identifies Income Level Indicator
  • 1206 Meets current year’s poverty CRA distressed criterion?
  • 1207 Meets current year’s unemployment CRA distressed criterion?
  • 1208 Meets current year’s population CRA distressed criterion?
  • 1209 Meets current year’s remote rural (low density) CRA underserved criterion?
  • 1210 Meets at least one of the previous year’s CRA distressed criteria?
  • 1211 Meets previous year’s CRA underserved criterion?
  • 1212 Meets at least one of current or previous year’s CRA distressed/underserved tract criteria?


The 2017 file, as distributed by FFIEC, is broken: it includes a ZIP file with in the ZIP file, which Metapack cannot read. This file has been manually extracted and stored in the source package.


Data Dictionary



Column NameData TypeDescription
geoidstringACS Geoid for tract
yearintegerKey field. HMDA/CRA collection year
msa_md_codeintegerKey field. MSA/MD Code
stateintegerKey field. FIPS state code
countyintegerKey field. FIPS county code
tractintegerKey field. Census tract. Implied decimal point.
principal_city_flagintegerPrincipal city flag. 0=not principal city 1=principal city
small_county_flagstringSmall county flag. T=tract record S=small county I=Island Area
split_tract_flagstringSplit tract flag. N=tract number occurs w/in one MA S=split between MAs
demo_flagstringDemographic data flag. X=Tot persons/population or median family income is 0 D=tot persons/population and median family income are not 0 I=Island Area
urban_rural_flagstringUrban/rural flag. U=urban R=rural M=mixed I=Island Area
msa_family_incomeintegerMedian Family Income of MSA in which tract resides
msa_household_incomeintegerMedian Household Income of MSA in which tract resides
tract_household_incomeintegerMedian household income for tract.
tract_family_income_pctnumberTract median family income as a percentage of the MSA/MD median family income. Two decimal places, truncated.
ffiec_median_incomeintegerFFIEC Estimated MSA/MD Median Family Income
populationintegerTotal persons
familiesintegerTotal families
householdsintegerTotal households
femaleintegerTotal female population
maleintegerTotal male population
nonwhiteintegerTotal population minus white alone population
minority_percentintegerMinority population as percent of tract population rounded to two decimal places
income_levelintegerIdentifies Income Level Indicator (low, mod, mid, upper income areas)
poverty_distressedstringMeets current year’s poverty CRA distressed criterion? ‘X’ – Yes , ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
unemployment_distressedstringMeets current year’s unemployment CRA distressed criterion? ‘X’ – Yes , ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
population_distressedstringMeets current year’s population CRA distressed criterion? ‘X’ – Yes , ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
rural_underservedstringMeets current year’s remote rural (low density) CRA underserved criterion? ‘X’ -Yes, ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
last_year_distressedstringMeets at least one of the previous year’s CRA distressed criteria? ‘X’ – Yes , ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
last_year_underservedstringMeets previous year’s CRA underserved criterion? ‘X’ – Yes , ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No
current_prior_distressedstringMeets at least one of current or previous year’s CRA distressed/underserved tract criteria? ‘X’ – Yes, ‘ ‘ (blank space) – No


Urls used in the creation of this data package.


Accessing Data in Vanilla Pandas

import pandas as pd

ffiec_distressed_df =  pd.read_csv('http://library.metatab.org/ffiec.gov-census-tract-1.5.2/data/ffiec_distressed.csv')

Accessing Package in Metapack

import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('http://library.metatab.org/ffiec.gov-census-tract-1.5.2.csv')

# Create Dataframes
ffiec_distressed_df = pkg.resource('ffiec_distressed').dataframe()