COVID-19 Cases For San Diego County

Cases, deaths, hospitalizations and other data scraped from the San Diego COunty COVID-19 website. Modified 2020-04-27T05:49:38

Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary



This dataset is manually extracted from the daily updates to the San Diego County Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) web page. The table on the web page is pulled into a Google Spreadsheet, and this dataset extracts the Summary tab of the Google spreadsheet.


  • The County changes the table format ocassionally, often adding columns, to not all variables are available for all dates.
  • This dataset does not include the information for age groups that is available in the source tables.
  • The cases value for March 14 is created by interpolating ( exponential ) from the values before and after it.



Accessing Packages in Metapack

import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')

# Create Dataframes

sd_covid_cases_df = pkg.resource('sd_covid_cases').dataframe()

Data Dictionary



Column NameData TypeDescription
casesintegerNumber of confirmed infections
cases_maleintegerNumber of case in males
cases_femaleintegerNumber of cases in females
hospitalizedintegerNumber of hospitalizations
intensive_careintegerNumber in intensive_care
deathsintegerNumber of deaths
notesstringNotes on each days values.


Urls used in the creation of this data package.

  • spreadsheet. Google spreadsheet, for humans
  • gs:1RkgOAgmZIcq7WdNvxn4dih_-aX6im3fNd9yrfM1-0Ys#1588490640. Machine readable source file


Accessing Packages in Metapack

import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')

# Create Dataframes

sd_covid_cases_df = pkg.resource('sd_covid_cases').dataframe()

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