The Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America provides statistics by broad categories of socioeconomic factors incluiding people, jobs, county characteristics, income, and veterans.
. Modified 2020-08-12T04:37:06
Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary
- jobs. Unemployment rates, labor force participation
- people. General demographics, such as population, race, ethinicity and migration.
- vets. Population of veterans, racial demographics, and when served.
- income. Median incomes and poverty rates
- counties. Classification of Counties for poverty, urban vs rural, poverty rates and economic structures.
Source Document Notes
The following notes are included from the RuralAtlasData22.xls file.
- All indicators included in the atlas are available in this spreadsheet. They are organized in separate tabs for each category of data: People, Jobs, Agriculture, and County Classifications. There are additional indicators available in this spreadsheet that are NOT in the atlas. These are indicated by “n” in the “Map” column in the Variable Name Lookup tab.
- The Variable Name Lookup tab connects the short name used in Row 1 for each indicator with a more detailed description of the indicator. 3. Counties and county equivalents listed in each tab vary slightly due to different configurations used by the various Federal sources of data. Most variation occurs in Alaska and Virginia.
- Blank data cells for specific counties indicate values that were not available, not applicable, or suppressed.
- Census of Agriculture county data are available from National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and no longer included in the atlas.
Version History
- 22.0 – July 2020 – County population estimates and annual unemployment/employment data for 2019 were added to the atlas maps and download files; earlier estimates were revised.
- 21.0 – April 2020 – Data from the American Community Survey were updated to 2014-18 (5-year average county-level data), and poverty and income measures based on the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) were updated to 2018.
- 20.0 – July 2019 – County population estimates and annual unemployment/employment data for 2018 were added to the atlas maps and download files; earlier estimates were revised.
- 19.0 – April 2019 – Data from the American Community Survey were updated to 2013-17 (5-year average county-level data), and poverty and income measures based on the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) were updated to 2017.
- 18.0 – June 2018 – Updated population, migration, employment and unemployment, with revised estimates for 2010-16; added 2017 population, migration, employment, and unemployment estimates.
- 17.0 – March 2018 – Variables based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS) were updated to 2012-16 (5-year averages), and poverty and income measures based on the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) were updated to 2016.
- 16.0 – July 2017- Updated population, migration, employment and unemployment, with revised estimates for 2010-15; added 2016 population, migration, employment, and unemployment estimates.
- 15.0 – May 2017 – The ERS 2015 County Typology Codes (non-overlapping economic types) were revised for six counties to correct a coding error. The revised classifications are as follows: Pendleton, KY (Mining-dependent); Alger, MI (Government-dependent); Hickory, MO (Recreation); Washington, RI (Government-dependent); Leon, TX (Mining-dependent); and Tucker, WV (Government-dependent).
- 14.0 – March 2017 – Variables based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS) were updated to 2011-15 (5-year averages), and poverty and income measures based on the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) were updated to 2015.
- 13.0 – July 2016 – The single-year total population and migration estimates were updated: estimates for 2015 were added; the estimates for July 2010-July 2014 were revised. New/revised unemployment rates and employment change variables (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics data) were added for 2010 through 2015.
- 12.0 – March 2016 – The American Community Survey (ACS) (ACS) data were updated from 2009-13 to 2010-14; the 2004 ERS county typology codes were replaced with the 2015 edition; poverty and median household income from the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) data were updated from 2013 to 2014.
- 11.0 – In September 2015, the American Community Survey (ACS) data were updated to 2009-13. Updated persistent poverty and child poverty classifications were added to the atlas. Population, unemployment, and income data were updated. Census of Agriculture maps are now available on the National Agricultural Statistics Service website.
- 10.0-In April 2014, new and revised population estimates, migration rates, and natural changes rates were added for 2010-13. Oil & Gas counties were updated and corrected, and “high poverty” counties were updated from 2007-11 to 2008-12 with American Community Survey (ACS) data.
- 9.0 – March 2014 – All American Community Survey (ACS) (ACS) data were updated to the latest 5-year average (2008-12).
- 8.0 – February 2014 – Added three new variables of oil and natural gas production to the County Classifications category.
- 7.0 – June 2013 – Added employment and unemployment data through 2012, updated estimates revised by Bureau of Labor Statistics. Added population estimates (through 2012) and migration data (through 2010). Simplified the user interface.
- 6.0 – May 2013 – Added the 2013 Rural Urban Continuum Codes and Urban Influence Codes, based on 2010 Census and the 2006-10 American Community Survey (ACS). Added Metropolitan, Nonmetropolitan, and Micropolitan Indicators based on the February 2013 Office of Management and Budget release. Added new Persistent Poverty Counties 1980-2011, and High Poverty Counties 2007-11 indicators.
- 5.0 – January 2013 – American Community Survey (ACS) variables updated to the 2007-11, 5-year county averages.
- 4.0 – May 2012 – Added veterans data from the Census Bureau’s 2006-10 American Community Survey (ACS). Updated and added unemployment and job data for 2007-11. Added variable showing the percent of principal farm operators on present farm less than 10 years, 2006-10.
- 3.0 – April 2012 – Updated 2005-09 data from the American Community Survey (ACS) with 2006-10 data; added 2010 poverty estimates.
- 2.0 – June 2011 – Added 2010 Census data, and racial/ethnic data from the 2007 Census of Agriculture.
- 1.0 – Feb 2011 – Initial Rural Atlas release.
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Contact: John Cromartie, USDA, Economic Research Service; email:
Documentation Links
- Wrangler
Data Dictionary
jobs | people | vets | income | countiesjobs
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
fips | string | |
geoid | string | |
state | string | |
county | text | |
unemprate2019 | number | |
unemprate2018 | number | |
unemprate2017 | number | |
unemprate2016 | number | |
unemprate2015 | number | |
unemprate2014 | number | |
unemprate2010 | number | |
unemprate2007 | number | |
pctempchange1019 | number | |
pctempchange1819 | number | |
pctempchange0719 | number | |
pctempchange0710 | number | |
pctempagriculture | number | |
pctempmining | number | |
pctempconstruction | number | |
pctempmanufacturing | number | |
pctemptrade | number | |
pctemptrans | number | |
pctempinformation | number | |
pctempfire | number | |
pctempservices | number | |
pctempgovt | number | |
numcivemployed | integer | |
unemprate2011 | number | |
numcivlaborforce2011 | integer | |
numemployed2011 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2012 | integer | |
numunemployed2010 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2008 | integer | |
numunemployed2011 | integer | |
numemployed2010 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2010 | integer | |
numunemployed2009 | integer | |
numemployed2009 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2009 | integer | |
unemprate2008 | number | |
unemprate2012 | number | |
numemployed2008 | integer | |
unemprate2009 | number | |
numunemployed2008 | integer | |
numunemployed2015 | integer | |
numunemployed2019 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2019 | integer | |
numunemployed2018 | integer | |
numemployed2018 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2018 | integer | |
numunemployed2017 | integer | |
numemployed2017 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2017 | integer | |
numunemployed2016 | integer | |
numemployed2016 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2016 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2013 | integer | |
numemployed2015 | integer | |
numemployed2012 | integer | |
numunemployed2014 | integer | |
numemployed2014 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2014 | integer | |
unemprate2013 | number | |
numunemployed2013 | integer | |
numemployed2019 | integer | |
numemployed2013 | integer | |
numunemployed2007 | integer | |
numemployed2007 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2007 | integer | |
numunemployed2012 | integer | |
numcivlaborforce2015 | integer |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
fips | integer | |
geoid | string | |
state | string | |
county | text | |
popchangerate1819 | number | |
popchangerate1019 | number | |
totalpopest2019 | integer | |
netmigrationrate1019 | number | |
naturalchangerate1019 | number | |
net_international_migration_rate_2010_2019 | number | |
popchangerate0010 | number | |
netmigrationrate0010 | number | |
naturalchangerate0010 | number | |
immigration_rate_2000_2010 | number | |
popdensity2010 | number | |
under18pct2010 | number | |
age65andolderpct2010 | number | |
whitenonhispanicpct2010 | number | |
blacknonhispanicpct2010 | number | |
asiannonhispanicpct2010 | number | |
nativeamericannonhispanicpct2010 | number | |
hispanicpct2010 | number | |
multipleracepct2010 | number | |
nonhispanicwhitepopchangerate0010 | number | |
nonhispanicblackpopchangerate0010 | number | |
nonhispanicasianpopchangerate0010 | number | |
nonhispanicnativeamericanpopchangerate0010 | number | |
hispanicpopchangerate0010 | number | |
multipleracepopchangerate0010 | number | |
whitenonhispanicnum2010 | integer | |
blacknonhispanicnum2010 | integer | |
asiannonhispanicnum2010 | integer | |
nativeamericannonhispanicnum2010 | integer | |
hispanicnum2010 | integer | |
multipleracenum2010 | integer | |
foreignbornpct | number | |
foreignborneuropepct | number | |
foreignbornmexpct | number | |
nonenglishhhpct | number | |
ed1lessthanhspct | number | |
ed2hsdiplomaonlypct | number | |
ed3somecollegepct | number | |
ed4assocdegreepct | number | |
ed5collegepluspct | number | |
avghhsize | number | |
femalehhpct | number | |
hh65plusalonepct | number | |
ownhomepct | number | |
foreignbornnum | integer | |
totalpopacs | integer | |
foreignbornafricapct | number | |
ed3somecollegenum | integer | |
ed2hsdiplomaonlynum | integer | |
ed1lessthanhsnum | integer | |
totalpop25plus | integer | |
ed5collegeplusnum | integer | |
totalocchu | integer | |
foreignbornasiapct | number | |
ed4assocdegreenum | integer | |
foreignborneuropenum | integer | |
nonenglishhhnum | integer | |
hh65plusalonenum | integer | |
ownhomenum | integer | |
femalehhnum | integer | |
totalhh | integer | |
foreignborncentralsouthampct | number | |
foreignborncentralsouthamnum | integer | |
foreignborncaribpct | number | |
foreignborncaribnum | integer | |
foreignbornafricanum | integer | |
foreignbornasianum | integer | |
foreignbornmexnum | integer | |
landareasqmiles2010 | number | |
age65andoldernum2010 | integer | |
totalpop2010 | number | |
under18num2010 | integer | |
net_international_migration_2000_2010 | number | |
naturalchangenum0010 | number | |
netmigrationnum0010 | number | |
totalpopest2012 | integer | |
totalpopest2013 | integer | |
totalpopest2010 | integer | |
totalpopest2014 | integer | |
totalpopest2011 | integer | |
net_international_migration_2010_2019 | integer | |
naturalchange1019 | integer | |
totalpopest2015 | integer | |
totalpopest2016 | integer | |
totalpopest2017 | integer | |
netmigration1019 | integer | |
totalpopest2018 | integer | |
totalpopestbase2010 | integer |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
fips | integer | |
geoid | string | |
state | string | |
county | text | |
vets18opct | number | |
gulfwar2vetspct | number | |
gulfwar1vetspct | number | |
vietnameravetspct | number | |
koreanwarvetspct | number | |
ww2vetspct | number | |
malevetspct | number | |
femalevetspct | number | |
whitenonhispvetspct | number | |
blackvetspct | number | |
hispanicvetspct | number | |
otherracevetspct | number | |
medianvetsinc | integer | |
mediannonvetsinc | integer | |
lessthanhsvetspct | number | |
highschonlyvetspct | number | |
somecollegevetspct | number | |
collegedegreevetspct | number | |
lfpvetsrate | number | |
uevetsrate | number | |
pctvetspoor | number | |
pctnonvetspoor | number | |
pctvetsdisabilty | number | |
pctnonvetsdisabilty | number | |
civpopvets18to64num | integer | |
civpop18onum | integer | |
vets18onum | integer | |
nonvetsdisabilty | integer | |
nonvetspoor | integer | |
vetsdisabilty | integer | |
vetspoor | integer | |
clfvets18to64num | integer |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
fips | integer | |
geoid | string | |
state | string | |
county | text | |
medhhinc | integer | |
percapitainc | integer | |
povertyunder18pct | number | |
povertyallagespct | number | |
deep_pov_all | number | |
deep_pov_children | number | |
povertyunder18num | integer | |
povertyallagesnum | integer |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
fips | integer | |
geoid | string | |
state | string | |
county | text | |
ruralurbancontinuumcode2013 | integer | |
urbaninfluencecode2013 | integer | |
ruralurbancontinuumcode2003 | integer | |
urbaninfluencecode2003 | integer | |
metro2013 | integer | |
nonmetro2013 | integer | |
micropolitan2013 | integer | |
type_2015_update | integer | |
type_2015_farming_no | integer | |
type_2015_manufacturing_no | integer | |
type_2015_mining_no | integer | |
type_2015_government_no | integer | |
type_2015_recreation_no | integer | |
low_education_2015_update | integer | |
low_employment_2015_update | integer | |
population_loss_2015_update | integer | |
retirement_destination_2015_update | integer | |
perpov_1980_0711 | integer | |
persistentchildpoverty_1980_2011 | integer | |
hipov | integer | |
hiamenity | integer | |
hicreativeclass2000 | integer | |
gas_change | integer | |
oil_change | integer | |
oil_gas_change | integer | |
metro2003 | integer | |
nonmetronotadj2003 | integer | |
nonmetroadj2003 | integer | |
noncore2003 | integer | |
economicdependence2000 | integer | |
nonmetro2003 | integer | |
micropolitan2003 | integer | |
farmdependent2003 | integer | |
manufacturingdependent2000 | integer | |
loweducation2000 | integer | |
retirementdestination2000 | integer | |
persistentpoverty2000 | integer | |
noncore2013 | integer | |
type_2015_nonspecialized_no | integer | |
metro_adjacent2013 | integer | |
persistentchildpoverty2004 | integer | |
recreationdependent2000 | integer |
Urls used in the creation of this data package.
- s3 s3://
- csv
Accessing Data in Vanilla Pandas
import pandas as pd
jobs_df = pd.read_csv('')
people_df = pd.read_csv('')
vets_df = pd.read_csv('')
income_df = pd.read_csv('')
counties_df = pd.read_csv('')
Accessing Package in Metapack
import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# Create Dataframes
jobs_df = pkg.resource('jobs').dataframe()
people_df = pkg.resource('people').dataframe()
vets_df = pkg.resource('vets').dataframe()
income_df = pkg.resource('income').dataframe()
counties_df = pkg.resource('counties').dataframe()