Project-level housing inventory for 2012 to 2018.
Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary
- hic. Combined HIC, 2012 to 2018
DUring the annual Point in Time Count, HUD also collects information about sheltered homeless, with detailed information about housing projects, including number of beds, occupancy, funding, and many other variables.
There is no formal data dictionary, so the dataset is lighly documented; the meaning of the fields is probably part of the HDX web application.
- Wrangler
- Publisher
- zip
- csv
- source
Accessing Packages in Metapack
import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# Create Dataframes
hic_df = pkg.resource('hic').dataframe()
Data Dictionary
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
year | integer | |
row | integer | |
cocstate | string | |
coc | string | |
coc_id | integer | |
hudnum | string | |
status | string | |
year | integer | |
organization_id | integer | |
organization_name | text | |
address1 | text | |
address2 | text | |
city | text | |
state | string | |
zip | string | |
project_id | integer | |
project_name | text | |
project_type | string | |
bed_type | string | |
geo_code | integer | |
inventory_type | string | |
begin_op_within_year | string | |
target_population_a | string | |
target_population_b | string | |
mc_kinney_vento | integer | |
mckinneyventoesg | integer | |
mckinneyventoesges | string | |
mckinneyventoesgrrh | string | |
mckinneyventococ | integer | |
mckinneyventococsh | string | |
mckinneyventococth | string | |
mckinneyventococpsh | string | |
mckinneyventococrrh | string | |
mckinneyventococsro | string | |
mckinneyventospc | integer | |
mckinneyventos8 | integer | |
mckinneyventoshp | integer | |
federalfunding | integer | |
federalfundingvash | integer | |
federalfundingssvf | integer | |
federalfundinggpd | integer | |
federalfundinggpdbh | string | |
federalfundinggpdld | string | |
federalfundinggpdhh | string | |
federalfundinggpdct | string | |
federalfundinggpdsith | string | |
federalfundinggpdtp | string | |
federalfundinghchv | integer | |
federalfundinghchvcrs | string | |
federalfundinghchvsh | string | |
federalfundingcwt | integer | |
federalfundingbcp | integer | |
federalfundingtlp | integer | |
federalfundingmgh | integer | |
federalfundingrhydp | integer | |
federalfundinghopwa | integer | |
federalfundinghopwahmv | string | |
federalfundinghopwaph | string | |
federalfundinghopwastsf | string | |
federalfundinghopwath | string | |
federalfundingpih | integer | |
federalfundingother | integer | |
federalfundingotherspecify | string | |
housingtype | text | |
victim_service_provider | integer | |
beds_hh_w_children | string | |
units_hh_w_children | string | |
hmis_beds_hh_w_children | string | |
veteran_beds_hh_w_children | string | |
youth_beds_hh_w_children | string | |
ch_beds_hh_w_children | string | |
beds_hh_w_o_children | string | |
hmis_beds_hh_w_o_children | string | |
veteran_beds_hh_w_o_children | string | |
youth_beds_hh_w_o_children | string | |
ch_beds_hh_w_o_children | string | |
beds_hh_w_only_children | string | |
hmis_beds_hh_w_only_children | string | |
ch_beds_hh_w_only_children | string | |
year_round_beds | integer | |
dv_beds | string | |
total_seasonal_beds | string | |
seasonal_beds_available_in_hmis | string | |
availability_start_date | string | |
availability_end_date | string | |
o_v_beds | string | |
hmis_o_v_beds | string | |
pit_count | integer | |
total_beds | integer | |
updated_on | number | |
mergeddefunctyear | string | |
questionusesdescriptorelements | integer | |
questiondesirestousedescriptorelements | string | |
projectnotes | text | |
sandyrelated | string | |
sandyrelatednote | string | |
mckinneyventococsso | integer | |
projectstate | string | |
th_unit_type | string | |
scattered_sites | integer | |
ch_beds | string | |
yearveteranbedcount | integer | |
yearyouthbedcount | integer | |
youthagegroup | integer | |
program_name | string | |
program_type | string | |
usesrrhmodel | integer | |
notes | text | |
col108 | unknown |
Urls used in the creation of this data package.
- hic_2018. 2018 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2017. 2017 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2016. 2016 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2015. 2015 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2014. 2014 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2013. 2013 HIC (Raw File)
- hic_2012. 2012 HIC (Raw File)
Last Modified 2019-07-12T05:03:50
- zip
- csv
- source
Accessing Packages in Metapack
import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# Create Dataframes
hic_df = pkg.resource('hic').dataframe()
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