Homicides reported to the California DOJ by local law enforcement.
. Modified 2020-06-18T00:08:12
Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary
- homicides. California homicides
- homicide_justifiable. California justifiable homicides
- homicide_manslaughter. California manslaughter homicides
- precipitating_event_labels. Value labels for the Precipitating Event column
- means_of_death_labels. Value labels for the means_of_death column
- location_labels. Value labels for the location column
- gender_labels. Value labels for the gender column
- relationship_labels. Value labels for the relationship column
- race_ethnicity_labels. Value labels for the race_ethnicity column
The Homicides in California file is publilshed by the California Department of Justices’s Open Justice site. It collects reports from local law enformcement. From the website:
Information on homicides in California are reported by various LEAs as part of the reporting requirements for the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. These data provide detailed information about the circumstances of each homicide in addition to personal characteristics of the victim.
The value label files were manually extracted from the data dictionary PDF. These files can be merged with the main homicide files to add human readable labels to the values for these columns:
- precipitating_event
- means_of_death
- location
- gender
- relationship
- race_ethnicity
The race_ethnicity
column has two codes that map to the same race label for many race labels. For instance, both ‘1’ and ‘W’ are codes for the label ‘White’. These duplicate numeric codes have been replaced with the associated alpha code.
Documentation Links
- Data documentation Data documentation and data dictionary
- Homicide in California in 2019 Report based on this dataset.
- Data download page
- Open Justice Home Page
- Wrangler
Data Dictionary
homicides | precipitating_event_labels | means_of_death_labels | location_labels | gender_labels | relationship_labels | race_ethnicity_labelshomicides
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
county | integer | County |
jurisdiction_ncic | string | Jurisdiction (NCIC) |
bcs_number | integer | BCS number |
victim_number | integer | Victim Number |
month_of_report | integer | Month of Report |
year_of_report | integer | Year of Report |
total_victim | integer | Total Victim |
total_suspects | integer | Total Suspects |
gender | integer | Gender |
race_ethnicity | string | Race/Ethnicity |
age | integer | Age |
crime_status | integer | Crime Status |
victim_offender_relationship_1 | integer | Victim/Offender Relationship #2 |
victim_offender_relationship_2 | integer | Victim/Offender Relationship #3 |
victim_offender_relationship_3 | integer | Victim/Offender Relationship #4 |
victim_offender_relationship_4 | integer | Victim/Offender Relationship #4 |
month_of_incident | integer | Month of Incident |
day_of_month_of_incident | integer | Day of month of Incident |
year_of_incident | integer | Year of Incident |
day_of_week | integer | Day of week |
year_of_death | integer | Year of death |
means_of_death | integer | Means of death |
location | integer | Location where Assault Occured |
precipitating_event | integer | Precipitating Event |
special_circumstance | integer | Special Circumstance/ Potential Death Penalty. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
precipitating_event | integer | |
precipitating_event_label | text | |
subject_heading | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
means_of_death | integer | |
means_of_death_label | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
location | integer | |
location_label | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
gender | integer | |
gender_label | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
relationship | integer | |
relationship_label | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
race_ethnicity | string | |
race_ethnicity_label | string |
Urls used in the creation of this data package.
- data/value_labels.csv. Data dictionary, extracted from the data ditionary pdf
- homicides_s. California homicides
- homicide_justifiable_s. California justifiable homicides
- homicide_manslaughter_s. California manslaughter homicides
- s3 s3://library.metatab.org/openjustice.doj.ca.gov-homicide-1.1.1.csv
- csv http://library.metatab.org/openjustice.doj.ca.gov-homicide-1.1.1.csv
- source https://github.com/metatab-packages/policedata-collection.git
Accessing Packages in Metapack
import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('http://library.metatab.org/openjustice.doj.ca.gov-homicide-1.1.1.csv')
# Create Dataframes
homicides_df = pkg.resource('homicides').dataframe()
homicide_justifiable_df = pkg.resource('homicide_justifiable').dataframe()
homicide_manslaughter_df = pkg.resource('homicide_manslaughter').dataframe()
precipitating_event_labels_df = pkg.resource('precipitating_event_labels').dataframe()
means_of_death_labels_df = pkg.resource('means_of_death_labels').dataframe()
location_labels_df = pkg.resource('location_labels').dataframe()
gender_labels_df = pkg.resource('gender_labels').dataframe()
relationship_labels_df = pkg.resource('relationship_labels').dataframe()
race_ethnicity_labels_df = pkg.resource('race_ethnicity_labels').dataframe()