Combines geographic boundary files for communities, cities and tracts in San Diego County.
Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary
- tracts. Tract census information
- places. Census place information, which includes incorporated cities and unincorporated towns like Julian and Romona
- places_boundaries. Census place boundaries, which includes incorporated cities and unincorporated towns like Julian and Romona
- city_boundaries. Boundary shapes for cities
- sd_community_boundaries. Boundary shapes for SD City communities
- county_boundaries. Boundary shapes for unincorporated County areas
- district_boundaries. Boundaries for special districts, such as the Promize Zone
- county_communities_boundaries. Boundaries for county communities
- combined_boundaries. Boundary shapes for all communities, county regions and cities combined
- tract_boundaries. Tract boundary shapes
- tract_communities. Link between tracts and cities, communities and county regions, with one record per tract. No geometry.
- sd_county_boundary. Boundary shape for SD County
This package combines three SANGIS datasets for communities and cities in San
Diego county into a single file, in the communities
resource, with Census
tract definitions for San Diego count. The source files are:
- Municipal boundaries, of incorporated cities and the rest of the county
- Communities in unincorporated county areas
- Communities in San Diego.
- Census tract boundaries for 2016
- Census places and counties
In addition to simply combining these four boundary files, the dataset also
links tracts into the other three regions, in the tracts_links
datasets. Using these datasets, you can get all of the
tracts in Escondido, or all of the tracts in the San Diego community of
Clairemont. The join is performed by containment of the Internal Point, which
is defined by the census for each tract. Because tract boundaries are not
always coincident with municipal boundaries, there are many cases where the
collection of tracts for a city or community will have a different boundary
than the actual region. Smaller, less densely populated regions, like San
Marcos, or particuarly afected.
The tracts_links
dataset is probably the most useful. It joins tracts to
regions, and has two sets of columns, for city and community. This dataset
includes every tract in the county, and each appears only once. If a tract is
included in both a city and community, then there is a name and code for both
the city columns and the community columns. Regions not in a city have a city
value of “County” and a city code of “CN”.
The communities
dataset, has a type
field to distinguish the types of
area, which is one of:
- city
- county_community
- sd_community
- community
The tracts_all_regions
dataset may have more than one row for each tract;
the tract will appear once for each of the four region types that it is in, but
no tract is in more than 2 regions. For instance, a tract in a community of San
Diego will appear twice, once for the community, and once for the City.
- Added county outline
- Broke out seperate files for non-tract geographies.
Documentation Links
- San Diego City Community Shapefile Documentation.
- San Diego County Community Shapefile Documentation.
- City Boundary Shapefile Documentation.
- Wrangler
- Publisher
San Diego Regional Data Library, San Diego Regional Data Library
- zip
- csv
- source
Accessing Packages in Metapack
import metapack as mp
# ZIP Package
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# CSV Package
pkg = mp.open_package('')
resource = pkg.resource('resource_name') # Get a resource
df = resource.dataframe() # Create a pandas Dataframe
gdf = resource.geoframe() # Create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
Data Dictionary
tracts | tract_boundaries | tract_communities | community_boundaries | places | places_boundaries | combined_boundaries | sd_county_boundarytracts
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
statefp | integer | State FIPS code |
countyfp | integer | County FIPS code |
tractce | integer | Census tract code |
geoid | string | Tract geoid, ACS format |
name | number | Census tract name, this is the census tract code converted to an integer or integer plus two-digit decimal if the last two characters of the code are not both zeros. |
namelsad | string | Translated legal/statistical area description and the census tract name |
mtfcc | string | MAF/TIGER feature class code (G5020) |
funcstat | string | Functional status |
aland | integer | Land area |
awater | integer | Water area |
intptlat | number | Latitude of the internal point |
intptlon | number | Longitude of the internal point |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
geoid | string | Tract geoid, ACS format |
geometry | string | Tract boundary geometry |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
geoid | string | Tract Geoid |
city_name | string | Name of the city the tract is in. |
city_code | string | Code for the city the tract is in. |
community_name | string | Community name |
community_cpcode | integer | Community planning code |
community_code | string | Short community Mnemonic code. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
type | string | Record type: city, sd_community, county_community, county |
name | string | Community name |
name_code | string | Short name code |
city | string | City the community is in, or the county. |
link_code | string | Unique code for linking records |
geoid | string | Place geoid for cities |
geometry | string | Boundary geometry, in WKT format. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
statefp | integer | |
placefp | integer | |
placens | integer | |
geoid | string | |
name | string | |
namelsad | string | |
lsad | integer | |
classfp | string | |
pcicbsa | string | |
pcinecta | string | |
mtfcc | string | |
funcstat | string | |
aland | integer | |
awater | integer | |
intptlat | number | |
intptlon | number |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
geoid | string | |
geometry | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
type | string | |
name | string | |
name_code | string | |
city | string | |
link_code | string | |
geoid | string | |
geometry | string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
id | integer | |
statefp | integer | |
countyfp | integer | |
countyns | integer | |
affgeoid | string | |
geoid | integer | |
name | string | |
lsad | integer | |
aland | integer | |
awater | integer | |
geometry | string |
Urls used in the creation of this data package.
- censusgeo://2016/5/CA/140. Tract boundary shapes
- file:data/community-acronyms.csv. Acronyms for communities
- shape+file:data/ Promise zone boundary
- shape+file:data/ Converted source of boundaries for cities in San Diego county
- shape+file:data/Community_Plan_CN.ZIP. Converted source of boundaries for communities in unincorporated San Diego county
- shape+file:data/ Converted source of boundaries for communities in the city of San Diego.
- metapack+ County boundaries shapes
- censusgeo://CA/place. Census Defined Places
Last Modified 2019-03-02T19:18:39