SDHC Meal Programs Data Collection

A collection of files from other data packages, from the California Department of Education, for the San Diego Hunger Coalition’s Hunger Free Kids program

Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References| Data Dictionary





Accessing Packages in Metapack

import metapack as mp
# ZIP Package
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# CSV Package
pkg = mp.open_package('') 

resource = pkg.resource('resource_name') # Get a resource
df = resource.dataframe() # Create a pandas Dataframe
gdf = resource.geoframe() # Create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame

Data Dictionary

cacfpreimburse | nslpreimburse | sbpreimburse | snackreimburse | summerreimburse | subgroup_ids | test_ids | subgroups | entities | chronic_absenteeism | frpm | upc_lea | upc_school | current_expense


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription


Column NameData TypeDescription
yearintegerSource File Year
county_codeintegerCounty Code
district_codeintegerDistrict Code
school_codeintegerSchool Code
test_yearintegerTest Year
subgroup_idintegerSubgroup ID
test_typestringTest Type
total_caaspp_enrollmentintegerTotal CAASPP Enrollment
total_tested_at_entity_levelintegerTotal Tested At Entity Level
total_tested_with_scoresunknownTotal Tested with Scores
total_tested_at_subgroup_levelintegerTotal Tested at Subgroup Level
test_idintegerTest Id
caaspp_reported_enrollmentintegerCAASPP Reported Enrollment
students_testedintegerStudents Tested
mean_scale_scorestringMean Scale Score
percentage_standard_exceededstringPercentage Standard Exceeded
percentage_standard_metstringPercentage Standard Met
percentage_standard_met_and_abovestringPercentage Standard Met and Above
percentage_standard_nearly_metstringPercentage Standard Nearly Met
percentage_standard_not_metstringPercentage Standard Not Met
students_with_scoresintegerStudents with Scores
area_1_percentage_above_standardfloatArea 1 Percentage Above Standard
area_1_percentage_near_standardfloatArea 1 Percentage Near Standard
area_1_percentage_below_standardfloatArea 1 Percentage Below Standard
area_1_percentage_at_or_near_standardfloatArea 1 Percentage At or Near Standard
area_2_percentage_above_standardfloatArea 2 Percentage Above Standard
area_2_percentage_near_standardfloatArea 2 Percentage Near Standard
area_2_percentage_below_standardfloatArea 2 Percentage Below Standard
area_2_percentage_at_or_near_standardfloatArea 2 Percentage At or Near Standard
area_3_percentage_above_standardfloatArea 3 Percentage Above Standard
area_3_percentage_near_standardfloatArea 3 Percentage Near Standard
area_3_percentage_at_or_near_standardfloatArea 3 Percentage At or Near Standard
area_3_percentage_below_standardfloatArea 3 Percentage Below Standard
area_4_percentage_above_standardfloatArea 4 Percentage Above Standard
area_4_percentage_near_standardfloatArea 4 Percentage Near Standard
area_4_percentage_at_or_near_standardfloatArea 4 Percentage At or Near Standard
area_4_percentage_below_standardfloatArea 4 Percentage Below Standard


Column NameData TypeDescription
yearintegerSource File Year
county_codeintegerCounty Code
district_codeintegerDistrict Code
school_codeintegerSchool Code
test_yearintegerTest Year
type_idintegerType Id
county_namestringCounty Name
district_namestringDistrict Name
school_namestringSchool Name
zip_codestringZip Code


Column NameData TypeDescription
yearintegerYear taken from the source dataset name.
academic_yearstringThe academic year (July 1 – June 30) corresponding to the time period during which the data were collected.
aggregate_levelstringT = State C = County D1 = District (All Schools) D2 = District (Non-Charter Schools) S = School
county_codeintegerA unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
district_codeintegerA unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.
school_codeintegerA unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.
county_namestringCounty Name
district_namestringDistrict or Administrative Authority Name
school_namestringSchool Name
is_charterstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is a charter school in the current academic year.
reporting_categorystringRB = African American RI = American Indian or Alaska Native RA = Asian RF = Filipino RH = Hispanic or Latino RD = Did not Report RP = Pacific Islander RT = Two or More Races RW = White GM = Male GF = Female SE = English Learners SD = Students with Disabilities SS = Socioeconomically Disadvantaged SM = Migrant SF = Foster SH = Homeless GRK = Kindergarten GR13 = Grades 1–3 GR46 = Grades 4–6 GR78 = Grades 7–8 GRK8 = Grades K–8 GR912 = Grades 9–12 GRUG = Ungraded Elementary and Secondary TA = Total
cumulative_enrollmentintegerCumulative enrollment consists of the total number of unduplicated primary and short-term enrollments within the academic year (July 1 to June 30), regardless of whether the student is enrolled multiple times within a school or district.
chronic_absenteeism_countintegerTotal count of ALL chronically absent students at the selected entity for the selected population using the available filters. Students are determined to be chronically absent if they were enrolled for a combined total of 30 days or more at the selected reporting level during the academic year and they were absent for 10% or more of the days they were expected to attend.
cumulative_eligible_enrollmentintegerThis count uses the Cumulative Enrollment of the selected entity as the baseline and removes students that were not eligible to be considered chronically absent at that entity. Students that are enrolled less than 31 instructional days at the selected entity are not eligible to be considered chronically absent at that entity. This is calculated by looking at the number of “expected days to attend” that LEAs submit for each student in CALPADS. Students with exempt status are also removed from Chronic Absenteeism eligibility. Students are considered to be exempt if they are enrolled in a Non-Public School (NPS), receive instruction through a home or hospital instructional setting or are attending community college full-time.
chronic_absenteeism_ratenumberThe unduplicated count of students determined to be chronically absent (Chronic Absenteeism Count) divided by the Chronic Absenteeism Enrollment at the selected entity for the selected population using the available filters.


Column NameData TypeDescription
academic_yearstringThe academic year corresponding to the annual Census Day from which official enrollment counts are determined using data submitted to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) by districts and charter schools. Census Day or Information Day is always the first Wednesday in October.
county_codeintegerA unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
district_codeintegerA unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.
district_namestringDistrict or Administrative Authority Name
school_codeintegerA unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.
lea_namestringLocal educational agency (LEA) name.
charter_funding_typestringIndicates the charter school funding type. Values are as follows: Locally funded, Directly funded, Not in Charter School funding model, or Blank.
charter_school_numberstringA four character value (any combination of numbers and letters) assigned to a charter school. A blank value indicates the school is not a charter school.
charter_school_y_nstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is a charter school in the current academic year.
nslp_provision_2_or_3_schoolstringA Y or N value to indicate whether a school is on a National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provision 2 or 3 status. “Y” indicates the school is on a provisional status; “N” indicates the school is not. For more information on provision status, please refer to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Nutrition Service Web page External link opens in new window or tab..
calpads_enrollmentintegerA total count of students ages 5-17 enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day (the first Wednesday in October). These data were submitted to CALPADS as part of the annual Fall 1 submission.
enrollmentintegerA total count of students ages 5-17 enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day (the first Wednesday in October). These data were submitted to CALPADS as part of the annual Fall 1 submission.
enrollment_k_12integerA total count of K-12 students enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day (the first Wednesday in October). These data were submitted to CALPADS as part of the annual Fall 1 submission.
calpads_fall_1_certification_statusstringA Y or N value to indicate whether data were submitted and certified in CALPADS. No data are provided where the certification status is “N”.
free_meal_count_k_12integerOf the Enrollment (K-12), a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free meals based on one or more of the following reasons: (1) applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); (2) submitting alternative household income forms; (3) student homeless or migrant statuses in CALPADS; (4) being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November; or (5) being identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance on Census day. The Free Meal Count (K-12) is not displayed on any CALPADS report; however, this count represents the official Free Meal Count (K-12) for the academic year.
frpm_countintegerOf the Enrollment (Ages 5-17), a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free or reduced meals (FRPM) based on one or more of the following reasons: (1) applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); (2) submitting alternative household income forms; (3) student homeless or migrant statuses in CALPADS; (4) being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November; or (5) being identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance on Census day. The FRPM Count (Ages 5-17) generally corresponds to the “Total Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count with the 5-17 Year Olds filter applied; however, this count has been augmented to also included students identified as being in Foster Family Maintenance on Census Day, as these students have been determined to be categorically eligible for free meals. This adjustment was made outside of CALPADS and is not included in the “Total Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count; however, this count represents the official FRPM Count (Ages 5-17) for the academic year.
frpm_count_k_12integerOf the Enrollment (K-12), a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free or reduced meals (FRPM) based on one or more of the following reasons: (1) applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); (2) submitting alternative household income forms; (3) student homeless or migrant statuses in CALPADS; (4) being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November; or (5) being identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance on Census day. The FRPM Count (K-12) generally corresponds to the “Total Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count; however, this count has been augmented to also included students identified as being in Foster Family Maintenance on Census Day, as these students have been determined to be categorically eligible for free meals. This adjustment was made outside of CALPADS and is not included in the “Total Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count; however, this count represents the official FRPM Count (K-12) for the academic year.
frpm_total_unduplicated_countstringOf the students (Ages 5–17) enrolled in the school, the total unduplicated count of students who are eligible to receive free or reduced price meals (FRPM). Students may be eligible for free meals based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP, through their local schools, their homeless, migrant, or foster status, or participation in California’s food stamp program. There are no counts provided for Provision 2 and 3 schools because only percentages were collected for these schools; as a result, a value of “NULL” is displayed instead of counts of students eligible.
frpm_total_unduplicated_count_k_12stringOf the students (K–12) enrolled in the school, the total unduplicated count of who are eligible to receive free or reduced price meals (FRPM). Students may be eligible for free meals based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP, through their local schools, their homeless, migrant, or foster status, or participation in California’s food stamp program. There are no counts provided for Provision 2 and 3 schools because only percentages were collected for these schools; as a result, a value of “NULL” is displayed instead of counts of students eligible.
percent_eligible_freenumberThe percent of students eligible for free meals. [Free Meal Count (Ages 5-17) divided by Enrollment (Ages 5-17)].
percent_eligible_free_k_12numberThe percent of students eligible for free meals. [Free Meal Count (K-12) divided by Enrollment (K-12)].
percent_eligible_frpmnumberThe percent of students eligible for free or reduced price meals (FRPM). [FRPM Count (Ages 5-17) divided by Enrollment (Ages 5-17)].
percent_eligible_frpm_k_12numberThe percent of students eligible for free or reduced price meals (FRPM). [FRPM Count (K-12) divided by Enrollment (K-12)].
unadjusted_frpm_countintegerOf the Enrollment (K-12) count, a total unduplicated count of students who are eligible to receive free meals. Students may be eligible for free meals based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP through their local schools, or their homeless, migrant, or foster status in CALPADS, or those students “directly certified” as participating in California’s food stamp program during July – November 2013. This count corresponds to the “Free Meal Count” provided in the CALPADS certification report 5.1a: Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility – Count.
unadjusted_frpm_count_k_12integerOf the Enrollment (K-12) count, a total unduplicated count of students who are eligible to receive free or reduced price meals (FRPM). Students may be eligible for free or reduced price meals based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP through their local schools, or their homeless, migrant, or foster status in CALPADS, or those students “directly certified” as participating in California’s food stamp program during July – November 2013. This count corresponds to the “Free & Reduced Meal Count” provided in the CALPADS certification report 5.1a: Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility – Count.
data_source_for_provision_2_or_3_schoolstringThis indicates the data source for Provision 2 or 3 school data. “NSD” indicates that the data are sourced from October 2012 claim data submitted to the CDE’s Nutrition Services Division (NSD); “CARS” indicates that the data are sourced from base percentages that LEAs certified in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) in 2011–12. Since only percentages were collected for Provision 2 and 3 schools, a value of “NULL” is displayed instead of counts of students eligible for these schools.


Column NameData TypeDescription
academic_yearstringThe academic year corresponding to the annual Census Day from which official enrollment counts are determined using data submitted as part of the annual Fall 1 submission to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) by local educational agencies (LEAs), which includes school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. Census Day or Information Day is always the first Wednesday in October.
county_codeintegerA unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
district_codeintegerA unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.
school_codeintegerA unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.
county_namestringCounty Name
district_namestringDistrict or Administrative Authority Name
school_namestringSchool Name
district_typestringDistrict Ownership Type Description
school_typestringSchool Ownership Type Description
educational_option_typestringEducational Option Type Description
nslp_provision_statusstringThe values in this field indicate the school-level National School Lunch Program Provision Status for lunch and breakfast. Where no lunch or breakfast provision is specified, then the specified provision applies to both lunch and breakfast. Values are as follows: Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), Provision 1, Provision 2, Provision 3, Lunch Provision 1, Lunch Provision 2, Lunch Provision 3, Breakfast Provision 1, Breakfast Provision 2, Breakfast Provision 3, Multiple Provision Types, or N/A. This information is provided for informational purposes only. No special adjustments were made in the data for provision schools. For more information on NSLP provision status, please refer to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) School Meals Guidance and Resources Webpage.
charter_schoolstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is a charter school in the current academic year.
charter_numberstringA four character value (any combination of numbers and letters) assigned to a charter school. A blank value indicates the school is not a charter school.
charter_funding_typestringThe values in this field indicate the charter school funding type. Values are as follows: Locally funded, Directly funded, Not in Charter School funding model, or Blank.
ircstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is an independently reporting charter (IRC) school in the current academic year.
low_gradestringLowest grade offered
high_gradestringHighest grade offered
total_enrollmentintegerA total count of all K-12 students enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “Total Enrollment” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
frmpintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported being eligible on Census Day for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) based on Education Program records with an Education Program Membership Code 181 (Free) or 182 (Reduced). This count corresponds to the “Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
fosterintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Students on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “Foster” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
homelessintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported as being homeless on Census Day based on Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 191 (Homeless). This count corresponds to the “Homeless” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
migrant_programintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students eligible for the Migrant Education Program on Census Day based on and Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 135 (Migrant). This count corresponds to the “Migrant Program: 135” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
direct_certificationintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified as being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November and who are therefore eligible for free meals. This count corresponds to the “Direct Certification” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
frpm_eligibleintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free or reduced price meals (FRPM) based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); submitting alternative household income forms; their foster, homeless, or migrant statuses in CALPADS; or being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November. This count corresponds to the “Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count. This count does NOT represent the “official” FRPM eligible count because early TK children have been removed (Kindergarten students who turn five years old after December 2).
english_learnerlintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a count of students identified in CALPADS as English learners (EL) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “EL Funding Eligible” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
unduplicated_pupilsintegerOf the Total Enrollment, an unduplicated count of students who are FRPM eligible (including foster youth students) or EL eligible. This count corresponds to the “Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible Count” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
certification_statusstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether data were submitted and certified in CALPADS. No data are provided where the certification status is “N”.


Column NameData TypeDescription
academic_yearstringThe academic year corresponding to the annual Census Day from which official enrollment counts are determined using data submitted as part of the annual Fall 1 submission to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) by local educational agencies (LEAs), which includes school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. Census Day or Information Day is always the first Wednesday in October.
county_codeintegerA unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
district_codeintegerA unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.
school_codeintegerA unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.
county_namestringCounty Name
district_namestringDistrict or Administrative Authority Name
school_namestringSchool Name
district_typestringDistrict Ownership Type Description
school_typestringSchool Ownership Type Description
educational_option_typestringEducational Option Type Description
nslp_provision_statusstringThe values in this field indicate the school-level National School Lunch Program Provision Status for lunch and breakfast. Where no lunch or breakfast provision is specified, then the specified provision applies to both lunch and breakfast. Values are as follows: Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), Provision 1, Provision 2, Provision 3, Lunch Provision 1, Lunch Provision 2, Lunch Provision 3, Breakfast Provision 1, Breakfast Provision 2, Breakfast Provision 3, Multiple Provision Types, or N/A. This information is provided for informational purposes only. No special adjustments were made in the data for provision schools. For more information on NSLP provision status, please refer to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) School Meals Guidance and Resources Webpage.
charter_schoolstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is a charter school in the current academic year.
charter_numberstringA four character value (any combination of numbers and letters) assigned to a charter school. A blank value indicates the school is not a charter school.
charter_funding_typestringThe values in this field indicate the charter school funding type. Values are as follows: Locally funded, Directly funded, Not in Charter School funding model, or Blank.
ircstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether a school is an independently reporting charter (IRC) school in the current academic year.
low_gradestringLowest grade offered
high_gradestringHighest grade offered
total_enrollmentintegerA total count of all K-12 students enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “Total Enrollment” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
frmpintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported being eligible on Census Day for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) based on Education Program records with an Education Program Membership Code 181 (Free) or 182 (Reduced). This count corresponds to the “Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
fosterintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Students on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “Foster” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
homelessintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported as being homeless on Census Day based on Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 191 (Homeless). This count corresponds to the “Homeless” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
migrant_programintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students eligible for the Migrant Education Program on Census Day based on and Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 135 (Migrant). This count corresponds to the “Migrant Program: 135” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
direct_certificationintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified as being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November and who are therefore eligible for free meals. This count corresponds to the “Direct Certification” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
frpm_eligibleintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free or reduced price meals (FRPM) based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); submitting alternative household income forms; their foster, homeless, or migrant statuses in CALPADS; or being “directly certified” through CALPADS as participating in California’s food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July – November. This count corresponds to the “Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count. This count does NOT represent the “official” FRPM eligible count because early TK children have been removed (Kindergarten students who turn five years old after December 2).
english_learnerlintegerOf the Total Enrollment, a count of students identified in CALPADS as English learners (EL) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the “EL Funding Eligible” count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
unduplicated_pupilsintegerOf the Total Enrollment, an unduplicated count of students who are FRPM eligible (including foster youth students) or EL eligible. This count corresponds to the “Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible Count” provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count.
certification_statusstringA “Y” or “N” value indicating whether data were submitted and certified in CALPADS. No data are provided where the certification status is “N”.


Column NameData TypeDescription
yearintegerYear of the original source file
countyintegerCounty FIPS number
districtstringDistrict name
lea_idintegerDistrict code, the ‘D’ part of the CDS code
expendituresnumberTotal district expenditures (EDP 365), in current dollars.
adanumberAverage Daily attendance used for the cost per ada calculation
cost_per_adanumberCost per average daily attendance
lea_typestringType of district: High school Elementary or Unified


Urls used in the creation of this data package.

  • metapack+ Reimbursements package
  • metapack+ CAASPP Test Scores package
  • metapack+ Absenteeism package
  • metapack+ Free/Reduced Price Meals package
  • metapack+ Unduplicated pupil counts
  • metapack+ Current expenses

Last Modified 2019-05-23T04:15:19