California Healthy Places Index

The HPI provides overall scores and more detailed data on specific policy action areas that shape health, like housing, transportation, education and more.

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  • hpi. Healthy Places Index master file


The Healthy Places Index is a collection of indicators produced by the Public Health Alliance of Southern California from a wide variety of data sources to study social determinants of health. It offers index values for many topics — about 80 columns — as well as a weighted aggreate index value, all at the tract level.

This version of the HPI presents the original file with only one modification: the Tiger format Geoid for tracts has been converted to ACS format.



Accessing Packages in Metapack

import metapack as mp
# ZIP Package
pkg = mp.open_package('')
# CSV Package
pkg = mp.open_package('') 

resource = pkg.resource('resource_name') # Get a resource
df = resource.dataframe() # Create a pandas Dataframe
gdf = resource.geoframe() # Create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame

Data Dictionary



Column NameData TypeDescription
geoidstringACS format geoid
pop2010integertotal population of census tract in 2010
pct2010gqnumberpopulation in group quarters in 2010
citystringCity associated with centroid of census tract
zipinteger5-digit postal zip code
county_fipsinteger4-digit code of county
county_namestringName of county
urbantypestringCensus classification of urban type
hpi2scorenumberTotal score of HPI
hpi2_pctile_posnumberPercentile ranking of HPI score (positive frame)
hpi2_pctile_negnumberPercentile ranking of HPI score (negative frame)
hpi_top25pctstringTop 25% most advantaged
quintilesintegerQuintile of HPI score
quartilesintegerQuartile of HPI score
economicnumberEconomic policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
economic_pctilenumberPercentile ranking ranking of “economic” policy action area z score
educationnumberEducation score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
education_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “education” policy action area z score
housingnumberHousing policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
houseing_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “housing” policy action area z score
healthcareaccessnumberHealthcare Access policy action area score, z-score of insurance variable
healthcareaccess_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “healthcare access” policy action area z score
neighborhoodnumberNeighborhood policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
neighborhood_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “neighborhood” policy action area z score
pollutionnumberPollution (“Clean Environment”) policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
pollution_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “pollution” policy action area z score
transportationnumberTransportation policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
transportation_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “transportation” policy action area z score
socialnumberSocial policy action area score, summed Z-scores of individual policy action area variables
social_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of “social” policy action area z score
insurednumberPercentage of adults aged 18 to 64 years currently insured
insured_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of adults aged 18 to 64 years currently insured
uncrowdednumberPercentage of households with less or equal to 1 occupant per room
uncrowded_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of uncrowded households
homeownershipnumberPercentage of occupied housing units occupied by property owners
homeownership_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of occupied housing units occupied by property owners
automobilenumberPercentage of households with access to an automobile
automobile_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of households with access to an automobile
commutenumberPercentage of workers (16 years and older) who commute to work by transit, walking, or cycling
commute_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of workers (16 years and older) who commute to work by transit, walking, or cycling
inpreschoolnumberPercentage of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in school
inpreschool_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in school
inhighschoolnumberPercentage of 15-17 year olds enrolled in school
inhighschool_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of 15-17 year olds enrolled in school
bachelorsednumberPercentage of population over age 25 with a bachelor’s education or higher
bachelorsed_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of population over age 25 with a bachelor’s education or higher
employednumberPercentage of population aged 25-64 who are employed
employed_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of population aged 25-64 who are employed
abovepovertynumberPercent of the population with an income exceeding 200% of federal poverty level
abovepoverty_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of the population with an income exceeding 200% of federal poverty level
incomeintegerMedian annual household income
income_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of median annual household income
retailnumberGross retail, entertainment, and education employment density (jobs/acre) on unprotected land
retail_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of employment density for retail, entertainment, and educational uses
parkaccessnumberPercentage of the population living within a half-mile of a park, beach, or open space greater than 1 acre
parkaccess_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of the population living within a half-mile of a park, beach, or open space greater than 1 acre
treecanopynumberPopulation-weighted percentage of the census tract area without tree canopy
treecanopy_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of population-weighted percentage of the census tract area without tree canopy
alcoffsalenumberPercent of Population beyond 1/4 Mile of Off-Sale Alcohol Outlets
alcoffsale_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of the opulation within 1/4 Mile of Off-Sale Alcohol Outlets
votingnumberPercentage of registered voters voting in the 2012 general election
voting_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of registered voters voting in the 2012 general election
ownseverenumberPercent of low income owner households with housing costs exceeding 50% of income
ownsevere_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of low income owner households with housing costs exceeding 50% of income
rentseverenumberPercent of low income renter households with housing costs exceeding 50% of income
rentsevere_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of low income renter households with housing costs exceeding 50% of income
houserepairnumberPercent of households with kitchen facilities and plumbing
houserepair_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of the households with kitchen facilities and plumbing
twoparentsnumberPercentage of children in married-couple family households or one parent with unmarried partner family households
twoparents_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of children in married-couple family households or one parent with unmarried partner family households
supermktsnumberPercentage of the urban population residing less than 1/2 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store, or the percent of the rural population living less than 1 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store
supermkts_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of percentage of the urban population residing less than 1/2 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store, or the percent of the rural population living less than 1 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store
ozonenumberMean of summer months (May-October) of the daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration (ppm), averaged over three years (2012 to 2014).
ozone_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of mean of summer months (May-October) of the daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration (ppm), averaged over three years (2012 to 2014).
pm25numberAnnual mean concentration of PM2.5 (average of quarterly means, μg/m3), over three years (2012 to 2014)
pm25_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of annual mean PM 2.5 level
dieselpmnumberSpatial distribution of gridded diesel PM emissions from on-road and non-road sources for a 2012 summer day in July (kg/day)
dieselpm_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of spatial distribution of gridded diesel PM emissions from on-road and non-road sources for a 2012 summer day in July (kg/day)
h20contamnumberCal EnviroScreen 3.0 drinking water contaminant index for selected contaminants
h20contam_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of Cal EnviroScreen 3.0 drinking water contaminant index for selected contaminants
lebnumberLife Expectancy at Birth
leb_pctilenumberPercentile ranking of life expectancy at birth
white_pctnumberPercent of Whites in the total population
black_pctnumberPercent of Blacks in the total population
asian_pctnumberPercent of Asians in the total population
latino_pctnumberPercent of Latinos in the total population
multiple_pctnumberPercent of two or more races in the total population
nativeam_pctnumberPercent of American Indian/Alaskan Natives in the total population
pacificisl_pctnumberPercent of Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders in the total population
other_pctintegerPercent of some other race in the total population
versionstringDate file was created

Last Modified 2019-01-03T22:49:49