Water quality data for San Diego county beaches from CEDEN, with added features for log transformation, quantiles and group codes.
Resources | Packages | Documentation| Contacts| References
- stations. Measurement stations
- measure_codes. Measurement group codes
- beachwatch. Beachwatch data, with features added
This datasets rebuilds ceden.waterboards.ca.gov-beachwatch-sandiego
constant and null columns removed and many features added. It also breaks out
station information into a seperate datasets, and enumerates the many
difference combinations of methodname/analyte/unit, adding a code for each
group to the dataset in measure_code
. The measure code identifies sets of
records that have compatible measurements.
The dataset adds counts, mean, median and quantiles for groups of
station_code/measure_code. The dataset rows are grouped, for each station and
measure code, and mean, median and quantiles computed for each group. The procedure is performed both for result
and for lresult
, the log of results
After computing the group summary statistics, the processing creates
dichotomous features for the relationship of result
and lresult
to the
summary value, including:
- Greater than the median
- Greater than the mean
- Less than or equal to the 25th percentile
- Greater than or equal to the 7th percentile
These variables are particularly useful for doing logistic regressions across the measure code groups or stations.
Elided Columns
This datasets excludes the const and empty columns from the source dataset. These columns and their values are:
program BeachWatch
parentproject BeachWatch_San Diego County
project BeachWatch_San Diego County
locationcode SurfZone
collectiondepth -88
unitcollectiondepth NR
sampletypecode Grab
collectionreplicate 1
resultsreplicate 1
labsampleid Not Recorded
matrixname samplewater
mdl -88
rl -88
batchverification NR
compliancecode NR
eventcode WQ
protocolcode Not Recorded
collectionmethodname Water_Grab
collectiondevicedescription Not Recorded
calibrationdate 0000-00-00
positionwatercolumn Not Recorded
preppreservationname Not Recorded
preppreservationdate 0000-00-00 00:00:00
digestextractmethod Not Recorded
digestextractdate 0000-00-00
analysisdate 0000-00-00
dilutionfactor -88
expectedvalue 0
submissioncode NR
county San Diego
county_fips 73
regional_board San Diego
rb_number 9
sampleid Not Recorded
The dataset also excludes these Null columns:
- observation
- samplecomments
- collectioncomments
- resultscomments
- batchcomments
- groupsamples
- occupationmethod
- startingbank
- distancefrombank
- unitdistancefrombank
- streamwidth
- unitstreamwidth
- stationwaterdepth
- unitstationwaterdepth
- hydromod
- hydromodloc
- locationdetailwqcomments
- channelwidth
- upstreamlength
- downstreamlength
- totalreach
- locationdetailbacomments
- huc8
- huc8_number
- huc10
- huc10_number
- huc12
- huc12_number
- waterbody_type
The most prevalent measure code in this dataset is 24 for Enterococcus (analyte) meaured with Enterolert (methodname) in units of MPN/100 mL. This is probably because in 2004, the EPA changed recomendations to use Enterococcus as a primary indicator bacteria in coastal waters:
EPA subsequently recommended the use of E. coli or enterococci for fresh
recreational waters and enterococci for marine recreational waters because
levels of these organisms more accurately predict acute gastrointestinal
illness than levels of fecal coliforms.
Documentation Links
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/AdvancedQueryToolCEDEN advanced query tool page
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/Metadata/ControlledVocab.phpControlled vocabulary search page
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/Metadata/get_lu_data.php?format=html&table=AnalyteLU&include_all=yesAnalyte controlled vocabulary
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/Metadata/get_lu_data.php?format=html&table=MethodLU&include_all=yesMethod controlled vocabulary
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/Metadata/get_lu_data.php?format=html&table=ResultQualityLU&include_all=yesResult Qualifier controlled vocabulary
- https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/Metadata/get_lu_data.php?format=html&table=QA_LU&include_all=yesQA controlled vocabulary
- Wrangler
- zip http://library.metatab.org/sandiegodata.org-beachwatch-4.zip
- csv http://library.metatab.org/sandiegodata.org-beachwatch-3.csv
- source https://github.com/san-diego-water-quality/water-datasets.git
Accessing Packages in Metapack
import metapack as mp
# ZIP Package
pkg = mp.open_package('http://library.metatab.org/sandiegodata.org-beachwatch-4.zip')
# CSV Package
pkg = mp.open_package('http://library.metatab.org/sandiegodata.org-beachwatch-3.csv')
resource = pkg.resource('resource_name') # Get a resource
df = resource.dataframe() # Create a pandas Dataframe
gdf = resource.geoframe() # Create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
Urls used in the creation of this data package.
- index:ceden.waterboards.ca.gov-beachwatch-sandiego#beachwatch-sd. Beachwatch source data
Last Modified 2018-08-10T22:40:33