Student Poverty FRPM Data
Data files pertaining to students eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals
Data files pertaining to students eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals
Downloadable files for the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) of free or reduced
Calculation of current expense (cost) of education per average daily attendance
Student absenteeism data by ethnicity, gender, program subgroup, and grade span.
Stream discharge rates for the Fashion Valley station on the San Diego river,
UTM Grid Zone 11
The Atlas presents spatial data about supermarket accessibility and provides
High and Low ocean water levels, at the La Jolla station, from year 2000 to
San Diego county Tracts, MSAs and SRAs, based on 2010 Census boundaries, as extracted by SANGIS.
A combined dataset of NOAA weather reports, USGS flow rates for the Sn Diego